Turkish - German Workshop
15 Eylül 2015 - IBG (İzmir Biyotıp ve Genom Merkezi)
16 Eylül 2015 - DEPARK
Germany and Turkey have been working together under the motto "Science Bridging Nations" to pursue several goals during the joint Year of Science-2014. Our relationship with Greifswald University and Biocon Valley has started in June 2013 with the visit to Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir.We both agreed to build a partnership at that meeting and it is supported with the grant for collaboration in the Joint Year of Science. Both partners are committed to bringing attention to the importance and successes of our cooperation and building on the existing cooperation within research, education and innovation through research projects. Networking institutions will provide opportunities for professional and student exchange.
It was seen that institutions on both sides have common interests in health and biotechnology in our first meeting in Greifswald in January this year. A key focus is population based research, namely Balcova Heart Study (BAK) in Dokuz Eylul University and Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP) in Greifswald.
In this meeting we will further pursue our collaboration with presentations and group discussions leading to integrative research projects.The strengths of this collaboration is the potential for interdisciplinary research with omics and genetic sciences which will provide translation from discovery research to population impact.
Doğuş Caddesi No: 207/Z DEÜ Tınaztepe Yerleşkesi Buca 35390 İzmir Türkiye
+90 (232) 301 97 97
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İnciraltı Yerleşkesi Mithatpaşa Cad. No:56-20
DEPARK Zeytin Binası Balçova 35340 İzmir Türkiye
+90 (232) 412 80 00